The Animal Welfare Toolbox is a collection of science-based learning resources developed by professional experts in animal health and welfare from research institutions from around the world.
Listen to our webinar recordings on topics including scientific concepts in animal welfare, livestock handling, and welfare assessment presented by leading experts from global research institutions.
China has the world’s largest and fastest growing livestock industries, so we have created a FREE online course in Animal Welfare specifically for Mandarin speakers. Certificate provided on completion.
The Animal Welfare Toolbox
The Animal Welfare Toolbox was developed by a group of academic researchers within the School of Veterinary Science at The University of Queensland, Australia. Initiated as part of the Animal Welfare Standards Project (AWSP) with the support of Open Philanthropy, this toolbox of training resources aims to increase knowledge and understanding of animal welfare concepts, measurement, assessment, and methods of application. With contributions of resources from global researchers and professional experts in animal welfare, we provide trustworthy learning resources that are science-based and peer-reviewed. Click here to learn more about us.

Why is animal welfare important?
There are many compelling reasons why animal welfare is increasingly important in today’s changing world. Aside from the ethical considerations of reducing suffering and improving the lives of animals, good animal welfare can help to maintain food security and safety, reduce the risk of zoonotic disease outbreaks, improve human safety when working with animals, and achieve sustainability in agriculture. Many countries have established legal and regulatory frameworks to protect animal welfare. However, there is an increasing need for animal welfare expertise to advise stakeholders in animal-related industries on the assessment of welfare and application of improved animal management practices.

Hear from Our Experts
“The Animal Welfare Toolbox is an incredible initiative providing much-needed free scientific-based resources on Animal Welfare for all involved in animal production industries. With such a broad target audience, it has great potential in making impact towards better animal welfare. It has been a great pleasure to be able to contribute to such a great intiative”. Professor Alan Tilbrook, The University of Queensland.
“After we joined the Animal Welfare Standards Project (AWSP), we greatly improved in our knowledge of animal welfare. While we were involved in work on the improvement of the animal environment for the raising systems, which is related to animal welfare, we were not so familiar with deeper concepts of animal welfare. After joining the AWSP, working with scientists from Australia and other countries and engaging in webinars, we learnt much more. This was especially the case for the students when they join us in this project”. Professor Zhonghong Wu, China Agricultural University
Recently Added Resources
By Dr Eloi Guarnieri
Our latest tool for Animal Welfare in Practice This tool is designed for both farmers and veterinarians keen to learn more about hock lesions in cattle.
By Dr Alex Jiang
Recently added to Animal Welfare in Practice, this tool offers effective, practical suggestions to enhance the mental well-being of pets at home.
View this recording of our most recent webinar where experts from different stakeholder groups share experiences in making connections to promote research and initiatives in animal welfare