Education Webinars and Video Resources on Animal Welfare
These education webinars and video resources were produced by the Animal Welfare Standards Project in partnership with guest experts in animal welfare from around the globe.
Click here for Educational Webinars
Click here for Videos about Animal Behaviour
Click here for Videos on Model High Welfare Farms
Educational Webinars on Animal Welfare
Networking and Building Relationships with Industry Stakeholders,
November 2023

In this webinar, experts from different stakeholder groups related to animal welfare, share their experiences in making connections and building relationships to promote research and initiatives for improving farm animal welfare. Guest speakers are: Professor Deborah Cao from Griffith University, Professor Jun Bao from ICCAW, Wu Xiaohong from RSPCA China, and poultry producer Guo Lei from Xiaoming Animal Husbandry Company.
Current and Future Animal Welfare Research Directions for China,
September 2023 (Mandarin only)

Presented by Professor Daniel Weary, Maria Chen and Julie Lee, all from the University of British Columbia, this webinar explores the current gaps in animal welfare research and the priority areas for making progress in improving farm animal welfare, with a focus on China. This webinar is particularly useful for Chinese academics, researchers and students working in the fields of animal welfare or animal science.
Animal Welfare Research Impact: Beyond Publication, June 2023

Presented by Lisa Yang from Global Food Partners. This webinar discusses how animal welfare research has benefited animal production. It examines how animal welfare researchers can move beyond conventional research outcomes to focus on research translation and application of research outputs in the real world.
Objective Assessment of Animal Welfare, October 2021

In this webinar, Professor Alan Tilbrook defines animal welfare, the Five Freedoms framework and the Five Welfare Domains framework. Professor Tilbrook then explains the methods of assessing welfare including the measurable bio-markers, physiological repsonses to stress in an animal, and new technologies for monitoring animal well-being.
Livestock Handling at the Abattoir, May 2021

Presented by internationally renowed livestock expert, Dr Temple Grandin from the Colorado State University. This lecture explains the effects of stress, fear and rough handling on meat quality. It describes correct handling methods and equipment in the abattoir for improving welfare conditions as well as product quality.
Animal Welfare Improvements on Chinese Chicken Farms, April 2021

China is the world’s largest producer of chicken and eggs. In this webinar you will learn about improvements in animal welfare being achieved on Chinese chicken Farms today. Presented by Dr Zulkifli Idrus from the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dr Kate Hartcher from Global Food Partners and Weitian Qi from Greenay Farm.
Part 2: Challenges & Opportunities of Animal Welfare in China, Jan 2021

Part 2, of the webinar where three experts discuss the challenges and opportunities for China in animal welfare. These experts are Xiao Xiao from the China Animal Health and Epidemiology Centre (CAHEC), Ayoshi Ayongxi from the International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare, and Lisa Yang from Global Food Partners
Part 1: Challenges & Opportunities of Animal Welfare in China, Jan 2021

Part 1, of this webinar where three experts discuss the challenges and opportunities for China in animal welfare. These experts are Xiao Xiao from the China Animal Health and Epidemiology Centre (CAHEC), Ayoshi Ayongxi from the International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare, and Lisa Yang from Global Food Partners
Welfare for Pig Production, November 2020

Presented by Dr Jeremy Marchant-Forde from the USDA-ARS Livestock Behaviour Research Unit. This lecture describes global pig production, and the differences between natural and farmed pig behaviour. It examines the major welfare issues of intensive pig production, and discusses solutions to these welfare challenges.
Welfare of Broiler Chickens, August 2020

Presented by Dr Zulkifli Idrus from Faculty of Agriculture & Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Security at the University Putra Malaysia. This lecture outlines chicken production around the world. It examines the welfare concerns for intensive broiler production and the challenges of balancing production with chicken health and welfare.
Scientific Concepts of Animal Welfare, Feb 2020

Presented by Professor Donald M. Broom from the Centre for Animal Welfare and Anthrozoology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge. This lecture examines the role of animal welfare in sustainability, and introduces the concepts of welfare, health, stress and sentience as scientific concepts.
Videos of Production Animal Behaviour for Animal Welfare
How do we know when production animals have good or positive welfare? These videos explains how we can understand what cattle, chickens, pigs and sheep are experiencing by watching their behaviour, based on scientific research. They also explain why animal welfare is an important consideration for farm animal production.
Cattle Behaviour

Chicken Behaviour

Pig Behaviour

Sheep Behaviour

Model farms for Animal Welfare in China
These videos show and describe examples of farms in China where farm managers continue to strive for a higher level of animal welfare standards.
Model Cattle Farm

Model Chicken Farm

Model Fish Farm

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